Chapter One

Private detective and former pro wrestler Sam Quinton gets plunged into a murder mystery a quarter of a century old in Heel Turn. CHAPTER ONE In the middle of a Wednesday morning in September, with the droves of college students having recently completed their trek...

Slightly Longer Snippet

“I doubt that will be necessary, Mr. Quinton,” George said. “And I think you’re slightly confused about us. Our only desire through any of this is to make sure that our brother’s killer is held to account for her actions.” “You held her to account for going on a...


Trying something new today to see if it works. The Group is being offered at a reduced price on Free Kindle Books and Tips newsletter. (It’s not free, just lower priced.) The newsletter can be found here:


“The point, my boy, is that six days ago Sheila’s conviction was overturned, the conviction brought about, primarily, through the efforts of former ADA Harris.” “Uh huh.” I felt a sinking feeling in my gut that I was about to hear something bad. “And this...


Okay, I got the go ahead to announce this. Signed contract today to bring my first little e-book novelette, “One Hell of a Gig,” back to life. It’s been unavailable for three or four years, and last week MuseItUp Publishing expressed interest in...

Odds and Ends

A couple of things of note today. The newest issue of Night to Dawn magazine is out and available. It contains “What Is” my first original short story in several years....