Intro to New Medium

Now that all the paperwork is signed and returned, I can announce that my three interlinked procedurals, The Group, When You Have to Go There, and And the Devil Walks Away, are going to be released in audiobook format by Books in Motion from Spokane, WA. Excited to...

New Releases Coming UP

Some new releases are coming early in the year. March 8 will see the release of Double Frame, Sam Quinton #3, and on March 23 comes the re-release of One Helluva Gig, my first short little e-book from 2012. Can’t wait to see both of these titles come out.

Two Pieces of News

Two big pieces of news recently: First, The Wild Rose Press will be releasing a new version of my old rock fiction novelette, One Helluva Gig. Don’t have a release date yet, but we’re well into the editing stage. Second, and really big, a few weeks back...

New Publisher

Having just received back the signed contracts, I can now announce that my three procedurals (The Group, When You Have to Go There, and And the Devil Walks Away) have found a new home at The Wild Rose Press. The three are temporarily unavailable as we transition...

Summer Itinerary

Summer itinerary goes like this: Finish third Sam Quinton book. (Long way to go on that.)Complete short story I began a while back.Revise and tighten up an older, unsold book and get it going the rounds again. Aww, for the days when summer break meant a break from...

Short Story News

Okay, I’ve gotten the go ahead to announce this now. My short story, “Knock One Down,” about an immortal gang banger haunting the streets of New Orleans, will be appearing in Devil’s Rock Publishing’s new anthology, due out somewhere...

New Interview

Recently, Inside Columbia, our local lifestyle and business magazine, did an interview with me about the release of Heel Turn. It can be viewed here:

Special Promo

I’d like to give a shoutout to Free Kindle Books & Tips. Today, they’re running an announcement on a reduced price for When You Have to Go There (not free, but close)....

Chapter One

Private detective and former pro wrestler Sam Quinton gets plunged into a murder mystery a quarter of a century old in Heel Turn. CHAPTER ONE In the middle of a Wednesday morning in September, with the droves of college students having recently completed their trek...

Slightly Longer Snippet

“I doubt that will be necessary, Mr. Quinton,” George said. “And I think you’re slightly confused about us. Our only desire through any of this is to make sure that our brother’s killer is held to account for her actions.” “You held her to account for going on a...