Short Story Block

A new guest post of mine just appeared, concerning the writing of my latest short story. It can be found here:

Stuff Popping

So, this week’s been a little hectic. We had the release of And the Devil Walks Away Tuesday, though there’s been a bit of a holdup with the print version. Aligned with that were all sorts of things showing up. There was the Facebook party put on by Marie...


Here’s a short excerpt from And the Devil Walks Away, due out November 10. Currently available for preorder at $2.99, regular price $6.99. “Why don’t we get to why you asked me here?” Helen said as she silently thought, so I can tell you to go to hell. “Fair...

A Typical Day

Lots of stuff popping right now, and several things coming up over the next day or so, including a new cover reveal. First up, a guest post I just did for A Blue Million Books, detailing what a “typical” day is like:...

Blue Million Books

Starting off the weekend with a new interview up and out. Many thanks to Amy at A Blue Million Books:

A Bit about Prequels

I don’t care for prequels. Never have. Even as a die-hard Star Trek fan from my grade school days, I barely noticed Enterprise. Tried it for the first season or so, then let it die in terms of my attention. And not just because the first season was kind of crummy....